phpMyAdmin in Shared Hosting
We provide phpMyAdmin with all Linux shared hosting and you'll be able to access it from the MySQL Databases section of your Hepsia CP. In case you are signed into your website hosting account, you could click on the phpMyAdmin icon, that'll be on the right-hand side of every database you've set up, and you will be logged in automatically. Alternatively, you can also access a database directly by navigating to our phpMyAdmin login page and inputting the corresponding account information. You will have the exact same level of access in either case and you'll be able to complete all procedures that the tool supports, to enable you to conveniently import, export or change each of your databases. The direct link may be quite useful when a third person, like a web designer, needs access to a specific database and you don't want to give them full access to the Internet hosting account.
phpMyAdmin in Semi-dedicated Servers
We offer phpMyAdmin with each semi-dedicated server account as our packages support MySQL-driven sites. The tool is included inside our in-house built Hepsia website hosting CP and if you want to change any database, you just have to go to the MySQL section and click on the phpMyAdmin icon for a given database. You will not need any login credentials due to the fact that you will be logged in automatically. If you do not want to employ your CP or you need to grant access to any database to another person for whatever reason, you shall also have an alternative option - to navigate to our phpMyAdmin direct login page in which our system shall require the database details. If you hire a web page designer, for example, you can take advantage of that option to permit them to work on your website without granting them access to any files, email messages or any other databases inside the account.